Hotlines +(62) 21 530 8028 , 0821 1809 1980
Office & Showroom : Plaza Kebon Jeruk Blok E 15, Jl. Raya Perjuangan No. 3, Jakarta Barat 11530

Tedea Huntleigh
Series Load Cell Product Image Technology Description Capacity, metric Capacity (lbs) Application Designation
1002 Aluminum Single point low capacity aluminium load cell. 0.5kg - 20kg Bench, counting and retail scales. Process weighing.
1004 Aluminum Single point low capacity, high precision aluminium load cell. 0.3kg - 3kg Bench, counting and retail scales. Process weighing.
1006 Aluminum Single point low capacity, high precision aluminium load cell. 2kg - 5kg Bench, counting and retail scales. Process weighing.
1022 Aluminum Single point, low profile, aluminium load cell. 3kg - 200kg Retail, postal, price computing, bank note, counting scales. Medical weighing.
1030 Aluminum Single point, low capacity aluminium load cell. 2kg - 15kg Bench , counting, platform, postal, laboratory and retail scales.
1033 Aluminum Low profile, single point load cell 10kg - 30kg Bench Scales, counting scales, Grocery scales
1040/41 AluminumSingle point, low profile, aluminium load cell. 5kg - 100kg Retail, bench, counting, platform and postal scales.
1042 Aluminium Single point, low profille aluminium load cell. 1kg - 250kg Retail, bench, counting, platform and postal scales.
1130 St. St.Single point, stainless steel load cell. 7kg - 100kg Retail, counting and platform scales. Food industry.
1140 St. St.Single point, stainless steel load cell. 15kg - 150kg Retail, bench, counting and platform scales. Food industry.
1142 St.St.Single Point St.St. load cell for platforms 10kg - 150kg Platform scales. Food industry.
120 St. St.High capacity compression load cell. 10t - 50t Weighbridges, hopper weighing, tank weighing, large industrial applications.
121 St. St.High capacity truck scale and silo load cell 10t - 50t Weighbridges, Silo and hopper Weighing, Train"rail" scales, Process weighing
122 St. St.Heavy duty compression load cell. 50t - 150t Weighbridges, hopper weighing, tank weighing, large industrial applications.
1242Aluminum Single point, medium capacity aluminium load cell. 50kg - 250kg Bench and hanging scales. Personal and medical weighing.
1250AluminumHigh capacity, single point load cell. 50kg - 1000kg Large platforms, bag fillers, medical weighing, process weighing.
1252 Aluminum High capacity, single point aluminum load cell. 75kg - 635kg Large platforms, bag fillers, medical weighing, process weighing.
1260 Aluminum High capacity, single point aluminum load cell. 50kg - 635kg Large platforms, bag fillers, medical weighing, process weighing.
1263 AluminumHigh capacity, single point aluminum load cell. 50kg - 635kg Large platforms, bag fillers, medical weighing, process weighing.
1265 AluminumSingle point aluminium load cell. 100kg - 660kg Platform scales, bag fillers, check weighers, overhead track scales, process weighing.
1320Aluminium High capacity, single point aluminium load cell. 1000kg - 2000kg Very big platform scales, hopper and hanging scales. Process weighing.
1330 Aluminium High capacity, single point aluminium load cell. 500kg - 1000kg Very big platform scales, hopper and hanging scales. Process weighing.
1410Aluminium Single point aluminum damped load cell for rotary filling machines. 10kg - 30kg Rotary filling machines, bottle filling.
1430 St.St. Single point damped load cell, St.St. washdown enclosure, insensitive to centrifugal forces, designed for rotary filling machines 3kg 17; 23 Rotary liquid filling machines,
1510 St. St. Single point stainless steel, hermetically sealed load cell 100kg - 500kg Bench, hopper, slaughter house and gas bottles scales. Food industry. Hostile environments.
220St. St. High accuracy compression load cell. 5t - 50t Weighbridges, hopper weighing, tank and silo weighing, large industrial applications, harsh environment
220 - 10t Weigh bridge Mount SteelWeighbridge mount. Weighbridge scale
220 - 5T Weigh bridge Mount Ideally suited for ue in steel or concrete weighbridge applications 5t Weighbridge scale
220 - Rocker Pin MountSteel Rocker pin for weighbridge/truck scale. Weighbridge scale and silo/hopper mount
220 - Silo MountSt. St. Heavy duty silo mount for the 220 load cell. Silo/hopper mount
220 - Weigh bridge MountSteel Mount for weighbridge/truck scales. Weighbridge scale
240Steel or St. St. Fluid damped single point load cell. 2kg - 50kg Check weighing, multi-head weighers, grading machines, liquid filling, dynamic weighing.
250 Alloy Steel yellow zinc plated Low profile pancake-type load cell especially designed for use in elevators 500kg Elevators
3310 AluminiumShear beam aluminium load cell. 250kg - 1000kg Low profile platform scales, pallet scales, overhead track scales, process weighing.
3410 / 3411 Steel or St. St.Shear beam load cell. 250kg - 2t 1K - 4K Low profile platform scales, pallet scales, overhead track scales, process weighing.
3420/3421SteelShear beam load cell. 5K - 10K High accuracy platform scales, pallet truck scales. Process weighing.
3510St. St. Shear beam welded seal, stainless steel load cell. 300kg - 5t 1K - 4K low profile platform scales, pallet truck weighers, tanks and silos, hostile environments, food industry, pit mounted platform scales.
3520 St. St.Shear beam load cell. 500kg - 2t low profile platform scales, pallet truck weighers, tanks and silos, food industry, pit mounted platform scales.
355 St. St. Single ended bending beam load cell. 5kg - 500kg Low-profile platforms, loss-in-weight feeders, marine and hybrid scales, belt weighers, food industry, harsh environment.
380 Aluminum Low profile planar beam load cell 7.5kg - 250kg Low profile platform scales, pallet scales, medical&postal scale
4158 SteelDouble ended shear beam load cell. 10K - 75K Tanks and silos, truck weighbridges and axle weighers.
4158 Mount SteelHardware only 10K - 75K Mounting hardware for 4158 load cells Weighbridges
614 AluminumS-Type load cell. 50kg - 500kg Lever conversions, hanging scales, force measurement and industrial applications.
615/616Alloy Steel, St. St.S-Type load cell. 50kg - 1000kg Lever conversions, hanging scales, force measurement and industrial applications.
619 Nickel plated alloy steelS-Type load cell. 1500kg - 5t Hybrid scales, hopper weighing, belt weighers, dynamometers, material testing machines, lever arm conversions, vibratory feeding equipment.
620 St. St.S-Type load cell. 500kg - 5t Hybrid scales, hopper weighing, belt weighers, dynamometers, material testing machines, lever arm conversions, vibratory feeding equipment, harsh environment.
9010 Aluminum, St. St.Damped load cell. 3kg - 90kg Check weighing, multi-head weighers, grading machines, liquid filling, dynamic weighing.
CellMate Nickel Plated Steel, St. St. Mounting assembly for Ring type load cells 5t - 30t 15K- 75K Hopper weighing, suspended hoppers, Silo weighing
DLC08 Aluminum Embedded or "on cable" digital amplifier 3kg - 200kg Retail, bench, counting, platform and postal scales
DLC09Aluminum & alloy steel Embedded or "on cable" digital amplifier 4kg - 200kg Retail, bench, counting, platform and postal scales
LC Accessories Steel or St. St. Bending Beam, Shear Beam and S-Type load cell Various accessories for Tedea-Huntleigh load cells
Model 1010/1015 Aluminum Single point low capacity aluminium load cell. 3kg - 90kg Postal, bench and counting scales. Check weighers and multi-head weighers.
T-End Foot St.St T-end mounting feet are ideal for platform use where a number of load cells are used together.
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