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Shear Beams
Series Load Cell Product Image Technology Description Capacity, metric Capacity (lbs) Application Designation
3310 Aluminium Shear beam aluminium load cell. 250kg - 1000kg Low profile platform scales, pallet scales, overhead track scales, process weighing.
3410 / 3411 Steel or St. St.Shear beam load cell. 250kg - 2t 1K - 4K Low profile platform scales, pallet scales, overhead track scales, process weighing.
3420 / 3421SteelShear beam load cell. 5K - 10K High accuracy platform scales, pallet truck scales. Process weighing.
3510St. St. Shear beam welded seal, stainless steel load cell. 300kg - 5t 1K - 4K low profile platform scales, pallet truck weighers, tanks and silos, hostile environments, food industry, pit mounted platform scales.
3520 St. St.Shear beam load cell. 500kg - 2t low profile platform scales, pallet truck weighers, tanks and silos, food industry, pit mounted platform scales.
355St. St.Single ended bending beam load cell. 5kg - 500kg Low-profile platforms, loss-in-weight feeders, marine and hybrid scales, belt weighers, food industry, harsh environment.
380 AluminumLow profile planar beam load cell 7.5kg - 250kg Low profile platform scales, pallet scales, medical&postal scale
4158SteelDouble ended shear beam load cell. 10K - 75K Tanks and silos, truck weighbridges and axle weighers.
5103Nickel plated alloy steel Double ended shear beam load cell. 5K - 250K platform scales, weighbridges, on-board weighing, silo hopper weighing
5123Nickel Plated Alloy Steel Single ended shear beam load cell. 500kg - 5t 1K - 10K Platform scales, belt scales, silo hopper weighing, overhead track scales, pallet scales
5203Nickel plated alloy steel Double ended shear beam load cell. 1K - 75K weighbridges, silo hopper weighing, platform scales
5223 Nickel plated alloy steel Double ended shear beam load cell. 50K - 100K Weighbridges
5303Nickel plated alloy steel Double ended shear beam load cell. 25K - 125K weighbridges, silo hopper weighing
60040SteelLow profile bending beam. 25 - 500 Tank, bin and hopper weighing. Belt conveyor scales and netweighing.
60058SteelDouble-ended shear beam load cell. 2.3t - 45t 5K - 100K Tank, bin and silo weighing. Railroad track and weighbridges
60060AluminumLow Profile Single Point Beam 100 - 2K Low profile platform load cell
65016SteelDouble-ended shear beam load cell. 1K - 300K Tank, bin and silo weighing. Batching, blending and mixing systems. Level and inventory monitoring.
65016 - 0104WSt. St. Welded seal, double-ended, shear beam load cell. 1K - 75K Tank, bin and silo weighing. Batching, blending and mixing systems. Level and inventory monitoring.
65016 - TWA Steel or St. St. Tank weighing assembly utilizing 65016 double-ended shear beam load cell. 1K - 125K Batching, blending and mixing.
65023 Steel or St. St.Shear beam load cell. 250kg - 10t 500 - 20K Floor scales and tank, bin hopper weighing.
65040 - 1127W Steel Welded seal, double-ended, shear beam load cell. 20t - 50t 50K - 100K Weighbridges and railroad track scales.
65040W St. St.Welded seal, double-ended, shear beam load cell. 25K - 75K Weighbridges and railroad track scales.
65058 SteelDouble-ended shear beam load cell. 10K - 100K Weighbridges and railroad track scales. Precision tank, bin and silo weighing. Level and inventory monitoring.
65058 - TSACast Steel Truck scale assembly utilizing 65058 or 65058S double-ended shear beam load cell. 10K - 75K Weighbridges. Railroad track scales. "Legal for Trade" tank, bin and hopper weighing.
65058S St. St.Welded seal, double-ended shear beam load cell. 10K -100K Tank and reactor weighing. Batching, blending and mixing systems.
65059 - TWA Steel or St. St. Tank weighing assembly utilizing either the 65023 shear beam or 60040 bending beam load cell. 50 - 2.5K Tank, bin and hopper weighing. Batching, blending and mixing.
65083 St. St.Stainless steel, welded seal shear beam load cell. 500kg - 10t 1K - 20K Floor scales and tank, bin hopper weighing.
65083H St. St. Hermetically sealed, stainless steel, shear beam load cell. 500kg - 5t 1K - 10K Floor scales and tank, bin hopper weighing.
91002 Alloy Steel Alloy steel shear beam load cell designed for crane scale and hanging scale applications 1.5 - 30t Crane scales, hanging scales
9102 St. St.Single ended shear beam load cell. 200 - 2500 Platform scales, belt scales, silo hopper weighing, overhead track scales
9103 St. St.Double ended shear beam load cell. 5K - 150K platform scales, weighbridges, on-board weighing, silo hopper weighing
9123 St. St.Single ended shear beam load cell. 500kg - 5t 1K - 10K Platform scales, belt scales, silo hopper weighing, overhead track scales, pallet scales
9203 St. St Stainless steel Double ended Shear Beam type load cell 1K - 75K Silo, tank, hopper weighing, low capacity vehicle scales, custom designs
9223 St. St.Double ended shear beam load cell. 50K - 125K Weighbridges
9303 St. St.Double ended shear beam load cell. 10K - 125K weighbridges, silo hopper weighing
9323 St. St.Double ended shear beam load cell. 20K - 75 K weighbridges, silo hopper weighing
9423 St. St.Double ended shear beam load cell. 10K - 75K weighbridges, silo hopper weighing
98001 Alloy Steel Universal Alloy Steel shear beam load cell ideal for testing maching applications 500kg - 100t Universal Testing machines
9803 St. St.Double ended shear beam load cell. 25K - 75K weighbridges, silo hopper weighing
ACB St. St.Single ended shear beam load cell. 500kg - 5t Platform scales, belt scales, silo hopper weighing, overhead track scales
CLB SteelCenter-loaded double-ended shear beam load cell. 20K - 125K Weighbridges and railroad track scales. Tank, bin and silo weighing.
CSB SteelCylindrical double ended shear beam load cell. 5K - 150K Weighbridges and railroad track scales. Tank, bin and silo weighing.
DLB SteelCenter-mounted double-linked shear beam load cell. 25K - 125K Truck and railroad track scales.
DSR Steel or St. St.Double-ended shear beam load cell. 1K - 75K Batching, blending and mixing. Level and inventory monitoring. Tank, bin and silo weighing.
MBB Alloy SteelBending Beam 50 - 250 Miniature bending beam
MDB SteelMiniature double-ended shear beam load cell. 10t - 50t Weighbridges and railroad track scales.
MDBD Nickel Plated SteelDigital Double Ended Beam 10t - 30t
SEB Steel or St. St.Single-ended shear beam load cell. 500kg - 2.5t Floor scales and tank, bin hopper weighing.
SHB St. St.Single ended bending beam load cell. 5kg - 500kg Platform scales, belt scales, packaging machines, silo hopper weighing
SQB Steel or St. St.Single-ended shear beam load cell. 250kg - 5t 500 - 20K Floor scales and tank, bin hopper weighing.
SQB-H SteelHermetically sealed single-ended shear beam load cell. 500kg - 5t 1K - 10K Floor scales and tank, bin hopper weighing.
SSB St. St.Single ended shear beam load cell. 500kg - 10t 1K - 10K Platform scales, belt scales, silo hopper weighing, overhead track scales, pallet scales, onboard weighing
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