Hotline Jakarta +(62) 21 530 8028 , 0812 1326 095
Yogyakarta Branch +(62) 274 2840902
Office & Showroom : Plaza Kebon Jeruk Blok E 15, Jl. Raya Perjuangan No. 3, Jakarta Barat 11530
Branch Office Yogyakarta : Jalan Rejowinangun no 76 D , Kotagede, DIY 55171


Dini Argeo DGT - Q

Multipurpose weight indicator/transmitter for panel mounting, 4 dependent or independent channels for direct reading and diagnostics of each connected load cell. The wide range of available interfaces, makes it easy to integrate the weighing with any automation system. CE-M approvable (OIML R-76 / EN 45501).


Product Specifications

Additional Information

Power From 12 Vdc to 24 Vdc power supply.
Keyboard Easy to use 5-key waterproof keyboard.

Product Features
